Saturday, 13 October 2018

When Everything Clicks

giftEdnz Blog Challenge 2018 #13

Write about a memorable moment in the classroom and how it reminded you about why you love what you do.

Last term I worked with Aroha Pod, the majority of whom are 7 year old students. The choice to work with this age group was based on brain research, including Nathan Wallis' about learning "readiness" at this age.

Our main goals were to increase confidence, fluency, vocabulary knowledge and comprehension in our reading. The students picked always seem to be on the fringe. They can read, but are not quite where they should be. So I asked why is that? What can we do about it? Here begins the challenge.

The students that I work with have tangles and roadblocks to move to reach their reading goals. As a teacher there are many layers to look at for learning while also quickly building positive relationships so that we can take that 'leap of faith' into the learning pit together.

Sometimes this can seem like a really challenging task and often it can be. But last term everything seemed to fall into place ( with a lot of hard work and perseverance by all!) A big factor was making sure students could follow their interests and passions as much as possible through reading. It is so exciting to see a student 'click' into their learning. Especially when their goals are met with improvements in Running Records and Probe.

I love sharing that moment where everything clicks into place. I can see it, the Pod teachers observe it, whanau notice and most importantly the student themselves know it. We've scrambled through that Learning Pit together and made it out the other side! It's moments like these, that make me love what I do and I hope my students have loved it as much as I have.

Nga Mihi,

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