l would like to focus on changes to curriculum, how to best respond to their specialised knowledge, interests and dispositional learning strengths. I have a particular interest in learning how to support students with emotional issues.
Obviously there is a huge amount to learn
and it will be an ongoing process but "It is the responsibility of all early years teachers to engage with giftedness."
At present I'm using this book as a starting point and initial guide:
I would love to hear how other teachers are supporting their gifted students or children. So if you are interested in this area it would be awesome to hear about your thoughts and experiences.
Nga Mihi Nui
Once upon a time at a school in was at, we had a teacher who focused on G&T for a hour or so a day four days a week. She was the principal release teacher and she did this while the principal took maths in the class. At the beginning of each year we identified children who showed high aptitude in a variety of areas. This list was updated each term. We planned to give all, or as many students as possible, small group opportunities they would otherwise not get in their passions. One group we had made a big book. It comprised of a student who was (and still is) an exceptional writer and another student who excelled in art. Together they wrote and illustrated and created a big book for younger children during the Extension Time.